Payday advance loans can prevent worrying about stretching a dollar until the next payday, or even eliminate the stress of paying for that unexpected expense that just arose. Payday advance loans are available to those in a financial crunch and the process is quick and convenient as many lenders advertise on the Internet, or are available through many storefront locations. This financing provides money until the next paycheck arrives. Although there are no regulations for how payday advance loans are to be used, many people use them to pay their bills on time or to pay for unexpected emergencies, such as a leaking roof or a car repair. It is important to consider whether the circumstances really require immediate financial attention, or whether it's possible wait to make purchases when the money is at hand.
Most times, these are easy to obtain because they do not require a credit check. However, payday advance loan lenders typically require that one is at least 18 years old, have a checking account open and in use for at least 90 days and have take-home earnings of at least $1200 per month. A payday advance loan can be obtained at a cash advance store where they will require a post-dated check for the amount qualified for, plus the fees for the financing. Online companies typically allow application completely electronically or via a fax machine and deposit the money directly into a banking account.
These loans are meant to be relatively small, short-term loans as the fees rendered at times, can be extreme. Some may question whether payday advance loans are wise, because they may cause people to rely on borrowing rather than getting their financial life in order. However, at times these can make good financial sense. For example, it may be cheaper to use a payday advance loan than it would be to pay for bounced checks or overdraft fees. Furthermore, they can help protect credit by avoiding late or missed payments, provided repayment can be made when or before it is due.
Borrowing on paychecks can be a useful financial tool if handled with the mindset of them being emergency options for things needed, not things desired. In addition, it is most prudent to take time to examine the overall financial situation so that unexpected expenses can be covered in the future. Lastly, borrow only as much as is absolutely needed and pay back the payday advance loan at the due date, if not sooner.
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Sunday, April 26, 2009
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